by Katrina Oliver

The Benefits of Tutoring in Elementary School are oftentimes overlooked. While tutoring has become quite popular for high school and college students, many parents don’t consider the potential benefits that one-on-one or small group instruction can have for their elementary-aged students. However, the benefits of tutoring in elementary school can be surprising.

The Benefits of Tutoring in Elementary School

1. Learning in a low-stress environment

The first of the benefits of tutoring in elementary school is the low-stress environment. Many children who struggle in school find speaking up in class to be stressful. Under the eyes of all their peers, it feels daunting to speak their questions and confusion aloud to the class. During one-on-one private instruction, however, the pressure is significantly reduced. Being the only kid in the “class” means that speaking up is encouraged, and a tutor can always take as much time as is needed to clarify their confusion before moving on to another subject.

2. Building confidence

Having additional assistance with learning during the elementary years can set up a child well for emotional success. Being able to strengthen their academic skills during their earlier academic years can set them up to feel capable, smart, and confident early on. Having a positive attitude about school can powerfully shift their experience of in-school learning. Furthermore, it can carry over for years following as they continue through middle and high school.

3. Learning responsibility

Learning responsibility is one of the greatest skills a student can have to ensure success in school. Working with a tutor, students will set goals for their own learning and track their progress toward those goals. Having this self-reflection on their own work helps children become active participants in their own learning, rather than passively receiving instruction from parents and teachers. This can build a strong work ethic and great study skills, which can carry through their entire academic career and benefit them hugely.

If you feel your child could benefit from the individualized instruction of one-on-one tutoring, check out our services here. Learn how to make your online tutoring sessions a success by reading our post 5 tips for Successful Online Tutoring Sessions.

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